Karma Group‘s Chairman and Founder, John Spence, reflects upon the devastating CoVid-19 crisis and how this has impacted hotels and resorts across the globe. He also shares some unexpected silver linings he has discovered during this time of great uncertainty. Ultimately, it is the wellbeing of Karma Group’s loyal staff that is paramount – especially those most vulnerable. Says John: ‘Clearly, none of us really know how quickly tourism will bounce back but when it does, we will be ready to emerge and able to swiftly operate again.’ Looking forward, John shares his optimism for the future for our planet and personal health.

John Spence
Chairman, Karma Group
Very positive message perfectly put across John, Hope all is well with the family.
Hi John, Thank you for your sincere messages and personal contact with us all. I don’t believe there would be another resort owner like you in the world that would be so careing. It makes us so proud to be a member of the Karma Group. Unfortunately I think we may miss out on our holiday this year in August to our favourite place Royal Bali Jimbaran, so we’ll just have to wait until next year. If we can help to support the lovely staff in anyway please let us know, I’m sure other members would be willing also. To you and your family, staff and members, stay safe, healthy and hygiene. Best Regards John & Jo
Karma Group‘s Chairman and Founder, John Spence, he is a very positive person with a positive message, very upfront & practical with current scenario. Hope he is doing well with his family. May God bestow him with long life.
Hi John. Very inspiring message for these gloomy days. Very positive. Would like to suggest that roll over of points should be increased by another couple of years due to us being locked down and unable to Holiday.
Good to know what’s going on. Good idea to undertake maintenance at this time, I think that’s what our governments are doing to keep the world going round. The money that would have gone into the communities being brought forward is very welcome I’m sure.
Also glad to hear that the staff are being cared for. You’re right, they are very loyal and really are the faces of Karma when we go on holiday. Thanks for these updates.
Thank you for these regular, heartfelt, honest, refreshing and genuine videos. It is very encouraging to hear you are looking after staff and their families as well as stranded visitors and holiday makers unable to get home. I would expect both less from a professional and successful business such as yours. It is the same values you display in life as we knew it so why not when the world needs it even more now. I wish you and you direct family well, and also the same for your professional family. I hope very much to see Haathi Mahal in January. It might be many miles away but it has been my second home for 30 years now.
Many thanks for the enduring update, concern and care. One of the few brands in touch with customers and stakeholders alike in unprecedented times. With warm regards, John!
Very nice to hear positive words,especially during this situation thank you very much,
Hope everything will be alright
Thank you John for that empowering speech. Yes, there are many positives but we pray that Life does go back the the relative normal soon. Thank you for looking after your staff. You have a heart, John. Rest assured, we, your customers will be there to support you and your staff when things improve.
Hi ! John, it’s very good to hear from you in such a situation, that you have taken care of all the staff/member of your Karma family. God has given time to everyone to look after them self and support others who have not been able to get it. I would like to suggest your good self to kindly offer a week to all members on their choice of destination to come out from corona pendemic situation after living in home quarantine for 45 days due to lockdown period.
Hello John from Australia!
As a new fractional owner, I am understandably concerned over the financial future of the tourism industry.
I would love to hear about your experiences related to how you managed through past tough times.
Thank you John so much. Sitting here at home self isolating is wildly fluctuating – at times I feel calm and serene and pleased at how much I have achieved at home – followed by an attack of ‘arghhh!!’
Your words are greatly appreciated and I know that people around the world have/ are enjoying hearing from you.
Thanks John, really good message about the care being given to the people who work at the resorts. Cannot wait for our trip to the Haathi Mahal in December to see our extended family there, it is what is keeping me going. It is our regular home for the last 21 years over the Festive period. Take care of yourself and your family, keep up the good work. May be get to meet up again one of these days.
Thank you for being a very transparent person. it was nice to get to know a little about you in this video. Please keep in touch always. We are old members since I forgot when and look forward to trying all the resorts. But unfortunately will not be able to for quite a while. Wish all the staff and you well and hope to be able to vacation when all this clears.