Our European resorts are gradually reopening and our priority is to ensure your wellbeing when travelling again. Feel reassured we have implemented all the correct Covid-19 safety and hygiene standards to ensure your stay with us is safe. Below are our best practices for Karma St. Martin’s and Karma Bavaria resorts.
Karma St. Martin‘s
The hotel has complied with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of Covid-19 by:
- Carried out a COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT.
- Implemented Cleaning, Handwashing, and Hygiene procedures in line with the guidelines.
- All staff take reasonable steps to maintain a 1-meter distance in the workplace.
- Where people cannot be 2 meters apart, have done everything practical to manage transmission risk.
Getting There and Around
Safe Travel with Tresco Boat Services
For the latest information on how your trip may be affected by coronavirus please visit http://islesofscilly-travel.co.uk/coronavirus

Karma Bavaria
We’re looking forward to welcoming guests back in July! Protecting guests and staff is the highest priority and all the Coronavirus codes of conduct in place for hospitality employees and guests. These include:
- Enhanced cleaning of public areas, elevators, guest rooms, as well as food preparation and laundry areas.
- Hand-washing procedures.
- Social distancing measures in place in all public spaces.
- Masking of staff.
By taking precautions and practicing strict hygiene in all areas, we can all contribute towards stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Please support us in this and follow the codes of conduct consistently.
What to Pack
As well as your usual essentials, we recommend you pack the following to ensure you protect yourself from departure to arrival and back home again.
- Cloth face masks
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol)
- Disinfectant wipes (at least 70% alcohol) for surfaces· Thermometer
Your wellbeing comes first
Remember that even the best plans may need to be postponed. If you feel unwell before your planned travel, stay home.