Travel Temptations July 4th
It’s time to get moving and start thinking about travelling again and July 4th is on our radar for reopenings! …

Three Monkeys : Kids Quiz
Round up the youngsters for this world general knowledge quiz. They could win an e-Scooter! [contact-form-7 id="2682" title="Edition 21 -…

Member Testimonial – Mr. Lalit Baveja
‘Karma Kandara Resort was truly a dream destination for our family holiday.’ Another glowing testimonial - this time from Mr.…

Resorts Reopening Updates
We know many of you are itching for things to get back to normal so you can continue to travel…

Pirate Quiz : 3 Amazing Prizes
Calling all pirates - in this week's edition, we are giving away not one, not two but three awesome prizes,…