Wine Quiz : Win 5 night stay for 4 at a luxury Karma Group resort!
Sweet or Fruity? Acidic or Astringent? Test your knowledge about wine and be in the running to win an amazing…

Member Testimonial : The Italian Holiday!
‘Wonderful Holiday in Tuscany’ Meet members Mr. and Mrs. Wray who were fortunate to recently take a vacation at our…

Beach Quiz : Win 2 x USD 100 Amazon Gift Vouchers
To celebrate the reopening of our flagship Karma Kandara resort in Bali this month, here’s a fun quiz for you…

Stay Connected – Win A Playstation 4
Staying in touch with our members has never been more important, so in the first Karma Community of every month,…
Himalayan Karma Exotica Reopening!
We are excited to announce that our mountain retreat, Karma Exotica is re-opening on the 1st of August! Karma ExoticaPerched…