This week, Karma Group’s Spa & Wellness Curator, Judy Chapman, shares three Virtual Meditation sessions to help you maintain your equilibrium. Simply put, when we can’t go outside, then we go inside. Regular meditation is thought to help preserve ageing of the brain, improve memory, concentration and focus, and is beneficial for reducing stress, anxiety and depression.

Mndfl Meditation Studios
This New York designer meditation brand has launched MNDFL TV that offers a range of affordable meditations to help folk stay calm and centred through the storm. There are several live ‘group’ classes a day including ‘Breath’ and ‘Heart’, as well as private one-on-one and Virtual Corporate sessions tailored to executives.

21 Days of Meditation With Deepak Chopra and Oprah
These two spiritual powerhouses have collaborated to create a complimentary ‘21 days of meditation’ that is part of a #HopeGoesGlobal initiative. The purpose is to guide people to find peace of mind during the current turmoil. Register for their ‘Meditate for Free’ – and you’ll be on your way to feeling more grounded and centred.

Find your zen by zooming into virtual live mediations hosted by Inscape, a modern meditation wellness brand. When we develop a balanced mind, we are able to handle chronic stress with so much more ease. Rebuild inner strength with these guided meditations centred around ‘Get Clear’, ‘Build Confidence and Focus’, and ‘7 Energy Center Balance’.