7 Stress Release Tips : Get Moving, Quit Sugar, and Cultivate a Zen Mind.
There’s nothing wrong with a little stress in our lives. It can give us motivation and kickstart us into action.…

Top 5 Virtual Retreats : Let’s Create A Wellness Epidemic!
There’s an increasing choice of online meditation, yoga, fitness, spiritual and healthy workshops to explore. Judy Chapman, Spa and &…

Kids Wellbeing : 5 screen-free activities
From jungle gyms to growing herb gardens and kids yoga, here are 5 suggestions to keep the kids active. Create…

Staying fit during self-isolation with Nick Kennedy
Looking for simple fitness exercises you can easily do at home? Nick Kennedy, former English Rugby Union player, is the…
3 Mind-altering Work-outs
This week, Karma Group’s Spa & Wellness Curator, Judy Chapman, shares three Virtual Meditation sessions to help you maintain your…